Who Am I?

I look from the inside out. As if out of a window at the world, seeing what I see, making of it what I decide, according to my thought, my beliefs, my preferences, loves, fears. Right, wrong; good, bad. The world is easy to assess.

But who is it, in here, inside, looking out? I do this and that, sign up for this or that opinion, consider the possibilities of believing, choose various opinions and then, in an instant, consider the validity of its opposite. See the other point of view, reconsider my position. Mirrors don’t help; nor journals nor even inventories. Some qualities I am afraid to own; some I doubt I have. Finally the world will decide who I am. If I disagree? What then?


A fourth-generation eldest son, proprietor and merchant with fifty years of experience of his own, Nick Hilton is passionate about quality and style in clothing and textiles, and about serving ladies and gentlemen the way they expect and deserve. 


Humble Pie?


The Dangerfield Syndrome